Old Salt Brand™

Frequently Asked Questions
Market Descriptive / Introduction
RooJack Studios™ developed Old Salt Brand for the U.S. Navy and NEXCOM to present new designs, product, service and marketing strategies for both active and veteran service members. RooJack's goal is to bring this ideal not only to the U.S. Navy, but Allied Maritime forces and JSF. As well as Specialized Contracting units working side by side with these forces.
New Designs: developed to be more timeless and traditional. We want to bring back that "Americana" feel rather than the "Billy Bad Ass" image. One of the determining factors is the reality that Veterans have become "Fat", especially due to the pandemic lockdown etc. Wearing that "Skull" themed Navy shirt or hoodie when he or she was 1st Lt. cleaning toilets or making bug juice doesn't fit the mold of being a Billy or Betty Bad ass. This market stays the course on that service member's Rate "Real Time".
New Product: replacing old product that really do not fall into the "heirloom" category for the Service Member's lineage. (IE: Deployment jackets for the Navy designed on an over-priced 3rd world Air Force issue jacket.). Our Navy and allied forces deserve "Quality" over "Gimmick". As stated in the previous section. That "Gravy Seal" has peace of mind. RooJack can supply that "Gravy Seal" now a member of "Meal Team 6" with that 3XLT "Old Salt Brand Kareer Coat" with ease. Give credit where credit is due. Let that veteran's Coat tell the FULL story of his or her RATE or Specialized Unit over a "Single Deployment" representing only 6 months of that service member's career.
New Markets and Sub-Markets: being capable of replacing and/or updating the current markets which look time stamped and stagnated. The world's finest Navy deserves the World's finest suppliers, artists and network. RooJack Studios worked hard to be capable of delivering those dynamics to this market. Not, that E-6 doing a design to impress his superior or a superior "thinking" he or she has knowledge of a market when they are supposed to be focused in fine tuning the rate he or she signed up for.
New Service and Marketing Ideals: The same goes for some of the Civilian companies and sponsors currently representing the US Navy and Allied maritime Forces. Why is it okay to have sailors sell "DONUTS" as a fund raising product, when there is an obesity problem in the military. RooJack asked the Navy's primary promotional sponsor that and they had no answer. We do..

Old Salt Brand™
Product Mediums and Platforms

RooJack Studios™ network throughout the years has become extensive and for good measure. We want a pro-dominant U.S. made market and our suppliers on the same "continent". Our other projects are developed for "export", not "import". With the current "Commodity Crisis", Shipping delays and jacked prices on basic materials and textiles (timestamped Fall/Winter 2021), that has become a challenge with the elements to keep those markets flexible and plentiful among the suppliers, artists, reps and professionals to make Old Salt Brand's product concurrent. Challenge accepted and solutions formed. Nutshell? We have a ton of designs to slap on a ton of product. Let's go!
Suppliers: We are VERY proud of the supply chain created for RooJack Studios™ and our Sub-Markets like Old Salt Brand. Our latest has been acquiring a partnership with Augusta/Holloway and Orleans Coffee as two of our flagship suppliers for Old Salt Brand™ and Rooster Coffee Co.. In turn, providing brand name supplies from Russell, Mossy Oak, Augusta, SanMAr etc. to any of our client. In this case providing other mediums for Old Salt Brand that can potentially be approved as MilSpec . Although, it brings light to obvious questions IE: "What pantone of "Coyote Brown" does the Navy use for PT gear? etc.
Shipping vs Up charging: FPO/APO Shipping has been a challenge (Military Address/s), but we are learning as we go. Recently, a few samples we sent to a former RooJack employee stationed on the USS Ronald Reagan who never received samples for our O.S.B, Kareer Coats. (We raised red flags on that one and will stick to 'land based" FPO/APO address/s for now.). RooJack's goal is to have O.S.B. product as a Navy-wide product. With the help and potential partnership with NEX/NEXCOM, that will happen in the near future.
Old Salt Brand Marketing Platforms: RooJack is currently developing Old Salt Brand's Online marketing platforms as well as working on a potential bid with exclusivity with the Navy Exchange . These aren't overnight accomplishments with Social Media platforms trying to gouge prices and monopolize these online API/s. Uniformity is the key to these online platforms on RooJack's end overall. By December 2021 Old Salt brand will be on 6 online marketing platforms as well as exclusive product FOR the NEX/NEXCOM.
Old Salt Brand Sub-Market Genres: For now, RooJack has developed Old Salt Brand in a 5-6 Genre Based /Themed category. Each utilizing its OWN collection per product. seasonal medium. These Genres include:
Flight Deck
Ship's Company
Chief "Brass Goat Edition"
Veteran / Plank owner

Old Salt Brand™